Environment protection in Székelykeresztúr

What did you organize, when, where and for how many people? 
A program about environment and environment protection for 8 people on 7 October 2018 in Székelykeresztúr (Romania).

What were the main goals and objectives of the activity?
The main goals were to start a discussion about environment, and try to be invisible, let the the topic be discussed. The objectives were to start people to think about the environment and environment protection.

What were the main outcomes and results of the activity? 
The main outcome was that the pollution is huge in present times and we need to act immediately. 

Are there any other relevant aspects related to the activity, a conclusion or future plan? 
During the trip we talked a lot about the environment and environment protection, and someone started to ask about the flowers and the trees. They came from city and they don't know the flowers´, herbals´ and the trees´ name. It was a small step for them. I hope they will continue 



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