HOW TO... create a permacultural garden!

What did you organize, when, where and for how many people? 
I organised a permaculture garden design event. It was a presentation about permaculture and the activity is about the first steps how to start a garden. This event was organised on 8 of September in 2018. Only 8 people participated.

What were the main goals and objectives of the activity?
The main goals of the event were to understand what permaculture is, learning about the methods and the system, how nature works and how can we mimic natural processes in our garden cooperate with other species. I introduced the importance of the local food sources and I presented what are the first steps to create a permacultural garden.

What were the main outcomes and results of the activity? 
This activity surprised me because the participants were open-minded and deeply interested. Everybody paticipated in the activities and they had lots of questions. The result is that most of the participants are planning to create their own garden according permaculture principles and they will spread about this eco gardening method.

Are there any other relevant aspects related to the activity, a conclusion or future plan?
I realised how important is spreading permaculture and I can start in my local area where I live. My plans fot the next year is to organise more events like this one and I want to invite more expert lecturer from this specific area to motivate more people to create their sustainable backyard. Moreover I am planing to create some videos and tutorials how to design and create permacultural garden.


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