BizniszVitamin - meeting for young entrepreneurs

What did you organize, when, where and for how many people? 
The name of the event is called "BizniszVitamin". This is a monthly meeting for young entrepreneurs. The event was held on the 22nd of May, 2018 in Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania and approximately 50 people attended.

What were the main goals and objectives of the activity?
The main goal and objective of this event was to connect, motivate, inspire and offer a networking platform for young entrepreneurs. The event itself wasn't necessarily connected to the ecofacilitation, however my main goal and idea about changing the word is to change one mind at a time. In light of this I wanted to introduce the techniques and methods that I learnt during the ecofacilitator training. With this we used some of the methods like brainstorming, council, energizers and reflection. We also focused on being eco-friendly during the organizational process.

What were the main outcomes and results of the activity? 
The main outcome with regards to changing the mindset of my co-workers who organized the event was first of all that they were reminded to be more eco friendly. Second of all they were introduced and practiced during the organization process that I have learnt during the eco facilitation workshop. We as a team found some of the techniques very useful and started applying to other events and meetings such as the council and active listening and reflection. It did change the dynamic of the group to the better.

Are there any other relevant aspects related to the activity, a conclusion or future plan?
I wanted to show and practice the new knowledge to and with my coworkers. We have decided to be more eco-friendly in the future even if it is only not printing a page. Small changes lead to big ones.


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