Film festival in Cristuru Secuiesc (Székelykeresztúr)

What did you organize, when, where and for how many people? 

In Cristuru Secuiesc the "night of museums" is always held in the beginning of June, not like in other European countries. In 2018 it was the 7th of June, from 10 am to 2 pm. This date is before the vacation, so we can reach the students. During the "night of museum" we decided to organize a film festival. Not just joining the Trés Court International Festival but mainly based on it. (More information about it: The event and also the movie-night reached almost 1000 people, which means 12 % of the locals. Of course this amount of people did not come in the same time but during the day - there were about 20 people on each session. 

What were the main goals and objectives of the activity?
  • to show short films for enquirers (children and adults as well), 
  • pick films to related topics (nature, family, life, human relations, emotions, nations, differencies-similarities etc.), 
  • give the films for free to them, 
  • discuss the topics and the messages with the audience, 
  • show the kids how wild the world is and give them an opportunity to see a different aspect 
  • learn to express and share their feelings about a film after watching it 

What were the main outcomes and results of the activity?

The goals run on a very long scale and aside from some little mistake I think we reached the main, expected points:
- 42 short films were seen during the day (07.06.2018) in rotation, for free
- almost 1000 people saw the movies
- the participants got to know several kind of screens (about nature, family, life, human relations, emotions, nations, differencies-similarities) and attached to the European wave of Tres Court International Film Festival as well, and feel the advantages of taking part an event which was held in the same time all around the continent
- after the movies we discussed all the topics, what may had been interested in, and about what benefits, conclusions, messages, advices got from them
- those people, who watched the short films had the opportunities to get to know more nations, arts via the French, Hungarian, Spanish, Romanian, English, Dutch, German, Italian, Turkish etc. films, cultures


Are there any other relevant aspects related to the activity, a conclusion or future plan? 
Those 42 short films contain a lot of meaning, not just about relationship. In our case, let's see: the environment. After the movies we could vote what we liked the most. By now, they gathered the votes and in the "Animation" category - what made the most comment at our event - the winner was: La légende de la chèvre qui connaissait le vrai sens de la montagne (film by Juan Olarte, Corentin Yvergniaux, Léo Brunel, FR). The kids really liked it! You can also watch it here, just 46 SECONDS! ;) The kids were smarter and braver than the adults, they spoke more and found out several aspects of it, like people-animal attached points, behaviouring, orientation, pollution, relationships, environmental, nature, (non)-naturalness and at the end, we got the point from the kids, what is their opinion, how can we do more to save the planet.


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