What you organized, when, where and for how many people? I organized an activity within the urban colony ReCreando. It is a colony for girls and boys from 4 to 12 years old that takes place at the Honest Public School Batalón de Gijón. My activity took place on Monday, July 9 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. That day, 11 children attended: Paika, Alma, Lara, Marina, Deva, Illán, Alan, Eric, Hugo, César and Marina. What were the main goals and objectives of the activity? The activity dealt with two main topics: orientation and vegetable garden. First we made a circle to introduce the new people and tell the activity prepared for that day. Then, we started with the orientation exercises: we talked about the cardinal points, we drew a rose of the winds and we made a solar clock. About 11:30 am we took a break to recharge our batteries with a small lunch and went to play in the park where we drew a human solar clock with chalk. At approximately 12:30 we started the following exercise: the...